Lifecycle Components in Alfa Systems
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Remarketing and Disposal

Seamless end-of-lease management, preserving your customer relationships for the long term.

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Alfa Systems’ remarketing and disposal tools manage the end-of-term process for your entire portfolio, seamlessly.

Able to manage tens of thousands of assets a month for a single customer, embedding Alfa Systems in your organisation is proven to be effective at considerable scale. Highly automated actions and decisions allow your teams to focus on exception processing.

Through a coalescence of a number of key Alfa Systems features, your users can establish a powerful remarketing and disposal landscape. Workflow forms the foundation, allowing different teams to work together throughout the process, whilst incorporating Alfa Systems functionality and integration capability.

"The seamless nature and connectivity of the new platform enables both the front- and back-office teams to access the same end customer and partner data, allowing for a truly unified customer view and enhanced data integrity.”

PEAC Solutions

Alfa Systems’ integration capability supports data flow between remarketing and disposal systems landscapes, including dealer grounding and repossessions, inspection, valuation, auction and title services. This includes the ability to configure workflow-embedded webhooks to trigger external services based on process and business rule configuration, without the need for complex logic to be built into integrations.

Using Alfa Systems’ remarketing tools, we can minimise risk and achieve lower costs and faster throughput.”

Alfa Customer

Task automation via workflow (generating termination quotes, raising invoices, letter generation, movement request generation and vehicle deregistration) and control automation via business rules (such as recharge of damage and excess usage) effect a rapid and fully compliant remarketing and disposal process.

End of Lease

  • Automated, rules-based recharge of damage and excess usage
  • Integration with valuation providers
  • Title management
  • Inspection reports
  • Movement requests


  • Sales proceeds handling
  • Automated auction assignment
  • Auction, dealer or private sale
  • Arbitration support