Tooling in Alfa Systems 6
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Alfa Cloud

Cloud-native and secure Software-as-a-Service.

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Alfa Systems is hosted securely on the AWS public cloud.

Customers: manage your environment online.

a screen depicting the Alfa Cloud portal

The Alfa Systems cloud portal

Alfa cloud logo

All the power of the world’s leading asset finance software without the overhead of provisioning, patching, backup, recovery or monitoring.

Alfa Cloud provides our customers with all the benefits of secure, flexible and highly available single-tenant SaaS environments powered by the AWS public cloud.

"We were able to utilise the system’s existing set-up and best-practice behaviour to give us a head start, rather than spending time and effort taking a blue-sky approach."

Robin Jeffery, Head of Transformation, Hampshire Trust Bank

graphic denoting AWS qualified software

Each customer environment is deployed in a dedicated private network, completely isolated from all other customers and following a single-tenant Software-as-a-Service model. In conjunction with our dedicated experts, our Security-as-a-Service partner monitors our customer environments 24 hours a day, with a 15-minute response time for critical incidents.

Alfa is compliant with ISO27001, ISO27018, and the SOC1 and SOC2 controls for availability, integrity and confidentiality. We deploy Alfa Systems in geographical proximity to users while meeting data residency regulations, ensuring that performance and compliance requirements are met in the same solution.

The following are just some of the techniques that we employ to ensure that we remain compliant with ISO27001, ISO27018, SOC1 and SOC2:

  • Encryption at rest and in transit
  • Cloud authentication of end-user credentials
  • Continuous monitoring for vulnerabilities
  • Routine penetration and disaster recovery testing

Using advanced infrastructure-as-code deployment techniques, all customer environments are deployed across multiple data centres to ensure high availability across infrastructure components. Critical production environments can be deployed with advanced cross-regional recovery capabilities, supporting low RTO and RPO times for complete regional evacuations. For additional ransomware protection, encrypted backup data is replicated across multiple regions and cloud platforms.

To offer complete peace of mind, we have partnered with a leading SaaS escrow provider to offer our customers a route to taking ownership of their dedicated infrastructure if continuity of service were at risk.


Alfa’s Application Support team provides remote support to Alfa Cloud customers, and is responsible for investigating application issues. Alfa acts as a Managed Service Provider, administering, monitoring and proactively managing the environment. As each environment is deployed separately, our customers remain in control of application releases and change deployment.

Alternatively, private cloud infrastructure providers can be used if required.

Alfa Systems is a fully managed infrastructure stack hosted in the cloud, with rapid scalability and geographical flexibility. More cost-efficient than an on-premise install, using Alfa Systems in the cloud removes the burden of application support, monitoring and availability.

Fully Managed Service
  • Full capabilities of the Alfa Systems platform
  • Suitable for any data volume
  • Comprehensive 24/7 monitoring, alerting and scheduling
  • Automated patching and management of networking, hardware, OS, databases and middleware
High Availability
  • Data centres in the US, Europe and Asia-Pacific
  • Multi-data centre and multi-region support
  • Audited against ISO27001, ISO27018 and the SOC2 controls for security and availability

cover image for cloud and saas paper

#4 Cloud Services: Finding Success with SaaS

Alfa has published an insights paper on SaaS and cloud services - the latest in a series on agile implementation. Read more.

"Our cloud instance is always-on, and has allowed us to scale easily as our portfolio grows.”

Alfa Systems customer