
A Strong Year for Alfa Clients in the AF50 2021

AF50UK 2021 cover

Many Alfa clients climb up the 2021 UK Asset Finance 50 rankings, compiled by Asset Finance International.

The Asset Finance 50, sponsored by Alfa, provides insights into the UK business equipment and car leasing industry, whose 50 largest members make up a community with lease receivables of over £41.8 billion.  

This year's report shows growth in the UK's asset finance industry, with total net investment in leasing increasing by 2.7% in 2021. As in the 2020 report, there has been more movement in the 2021 chart, undoubtedly due to the impact of the pandemic on the UK leasing industry.

Many Alfa clients have climbed up the rankings this year, with both Hitachi Capital and Close Brothers climbing two places further up the top ten. Societe Generale, Santander and PEAC have also risen up the charts, and Alfa Start customers, Hampshire Trust Bank and Arkle Finance, have moved up four and five places respectively.

Reflecting on the impact of the pandemic on the UK’s leasing industry, Alfa's CEO, Andrew Denton, comments in the AF50 foreword:

"The word digital has never been so relevant. If there’s one thing the last year has taught us, it’s surely that we can no longer move forward without protecting our businesses from the unknown.

"Whether that’s through establishing a more robust foundation, becoming more agile and adaptable to change, or through partnering with other firms who can supplement our proposition, I hope everyone has taken something positive from the challenges brought on by the pandemic. We certainly have at Alfa."

Read the full report at Asset Finance International.